Anti-Gravitons may explain Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Universe we observe today.

D J van Venrooij


Matter, where does it come from? This must be one of the oldest questions asked by man, and we still do not seem to have an answer. The conventional wisdom of matter creation is that matter and antimatter were created in equal quantities at the big bang. However, matter and antimatter particles destroy each other liberating energy and yet a universe of matter resulted from this process. I suggest in this paper the existence of an anti-graviton, this force particle rejects matter and attracts antimatter and the graviton does the converse. These two force particles are created with the creation of matter and are responsible for the separation of matter and antimatter. These force particles may also explain the phenomena of dark matter and dark energy. I suggest we have an expanding universe consisting of islands of matter and antimatter.


For thousands of years man has looked at the stars, felt the firm earth beneath his feet and wondered where it all came from. This stuff, matter, is all around us. We are made of it and our whole Universe is made of it. However, in the 1930s Fritz Zwicky published evidence based on the rotational speeds of galaxies suggesting there was more matter within these galaxies than we could observe. Zwicky called this unseen mass dark matter [1,2]. Despite this rather catchy name dark matter was not really investigated seriously until the 1970s and has been a particularly hot topic ever since.

In 1929 Edwin Hubble demonstrated that the Universe is expanding[3,4,5]. This observation begged one big question: Is there enough matter in the universe for gravity to halt the expansion or is the universe going to expand forever? For decades there seemed to be no clear answer to this question , however in 1998 two research groups presented evidence that not only is the Universe expanding, but the expansion is accelerating. The agent for this expansion is termed Dark Energy[6,7].


I believe the matter dominated the Universe we observe today, the presence of dark matter and the acceleration of the Universe can be explained by the existence of anti-gravitons. I would like to postulate the following:

  1. The Universe was born in symmetry. (For every mass particle produced in the big bang an antiparticle was created).
  2. Whenever a particle with mass was produced the appropriate gravity particle was produced.
  3. When a matter particle was produced a ‘graviton’ was also created.
  4. When an antimatter particle was produced an ‘anti-graviton’ was also created.
  5. Gravitons set up a field which attracts matter and repels antimatter.
  6. Anti-gravitons set up a field which attracts antimatter and repels matter.
  7. Gravitons and anti-gravitons are monopoles.

Now consider the creation of matter, the conventional wisdom has been that particles of matter and antimatter were produced simultaneously in matching pairs during the first moments of creation (within one millionth seconds). These matter/antimatter pairs were created and destroyed and yet it is as though the Universe gave preference to matter over antimatter, hence the Universe we observe today. If matter and antimatter carried their own opposing force particles, the sheer quantity of matter and antimatter produced at this time in such a confined space would create incredible gravitational /anti-gravitational force fields, matter and antimatter would instantly separate. Matter would be attracted to matter and repulsed by antimatter, and for antimatter the converse would apply. The Universe would not have to play favourites, the result would be a Universe with areas of matter and areas of antimatter in equal quantities, gravity and anti-gravity keeping them forever separate. We might imagine the universe with alternate areas of matter and antimatter where areas of matter are kept in check by areas of antimatter as in figure 1 and 2. (The converse would apply for areas of antimatter.)

galaxy cluster

In this way the dark matter effect can be accounted for purely by gravity and antigravity.

Figure 2 shows alternative areas of matter and antimatter, these would have been forged in the early moments of the universe as described above. Simply on a Pythagorean basis it is obvious that the opposing forces of gravity and antigravity (Green Arrows) are stronger than the attractive forces of gravity on areas of matter and antigravity on areas of antimatter. Such an arrangement would explain the expanding universe. The universe would have expanded violently at the very beginning but as the areas of matter and antimatter became more separated the rate of acceleration would have slowed but nevertheless remained.

Figure 2.

Expanding Universe

The Blue buttons are areas of matter and the

Red buttons are areas of antimatter. The thin

Blue lines are attractive gravitational forces

between areas of matter and the thin Orange

lines show attractive anti-gravitational forces

between areas of antimatter. The thick Green

arrows show the additive repulsive forces of

gravity and anti-gravity acting between areas of

matter and antimatter.


Although highly speculative I believe the presence of anti-gravitons could in a very simple manner explain the way the Universe looks to us today. It explains how our domain is made of matter and yet enables antimatter to exist in equal quantities. So separated are these areas of the matter and antimatter that annihilation of one by the other is not possible. The existence of areas of matter and antimatter with their opposing gravitational forces explains both the appearance of dark matter and dark energy. I also believe that with this new dynamic in the early Universe the necessity for an inflationary period disappears.


1.  F. Zwicky, “Die Rotverschiebung von extragalaktischen Nebeln”, Helvetica Physica Acta, Vol.6, 1933, pp110–127.

2.  F Zwicky. “On the Masses of Nebulae and Clusters of Nebulae”, Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 86, No 3, 1937, p217.

3. E Hubble, “A relation between distance and radial velocity among extra-galactic nebulae”PNAS Vol.15, No. 3, 1929 pp 168–173

4. G. Lemaître “Un Univers homogène de masse constante et de rayon croissant rendant compte de la vitesse radiale des nébuleuses extra-galactiques” (in French). Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles, Vol. 47, 4 1927 p 49.

5. G. Lemaître, “Expansion of the Universe, The Expanding Universe“, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 91, 03/1931 pp 490-501.

6. Riess, A. et al “Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant”. The Astronomical Journal Vol. 116 No, 3, 9 1998, pp 1009–1038.

7.  Perlmutter, S. et al. “Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae”. The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 517, No 2,6 1999,pp  565–586.

Anti-Gravitons may explain Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Universe we observe today.

21 thoughts on “Anti-Gravitons may explain Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Universe we observe today.

  1. What would happen if matter produced gravitons at a different rate then anti-matter produced anti gravitons? Then it would result in a matter heavy universe, with a surplus of anti gravitons creating an expansion.

    • Your suggestion would create any matter centric universe; however it does depend on the universe playing favourites with matter over antimatter.

      Janet Conrad at MIT has been quoted as saying “We have no good explanation for why the universe is made entirely of matter —-it’s a very embarrassing problem.”

      The general consensus seems to be the matter and antimatter was created in equal quantities at the Big Bang. What I’ve tried to do is accept the situation and create a model where the universe has not played favourites with matter over antimatter and yet creates the universe we observe and, accounting for Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

      Please feel free to make further comments, they are much appreciated.

    • My apologies for not answering sooner,I somehow missed your post.

      Your suggestion runs against the convention that for every particle there is an antiparticle and that these were created in equal quantity shortly after the big bang. Your suggestion that gravitons and anti-gravitons are created in different amounts runs against the concept of symmetry. Also, gravitational forces are dependent on the presence of matter and anti-gravitational forces are dependent on the presence of antimatter, if the antimatter disappears so does the antigravity associated with it. If the antimatter disappears, the antigravity disappears and hence the repulsive force we are relying on for the acceleration of the expanding universe also disappears.

  2. This would not account for the accelerated expansion of the universe. Your idea suggests expansion slowing down, which as we know is not the case. It’s speeding up.

    • Thank you for your comment.

      I stated in the article, “Such an arrangement would explain the expanding universe. The universe would have expanded violently at the very beginning but as the areas of matter and antimatter became more separated the rate of acceleration would have slowed but nevertheless remained.”

      The force of repulsion within this universe would always be present between areas of matter and antimatter. I suggest that the rate of acceleration have slowed, and this would fall off according to the inverse square law, however, with the acceleration foreever present velocity would constantly increase and hence the universe would always expand.

      • Thank you John,
        very interesting.

        There seem to be many dubious ideas baked into this cake. The notion that the universe plays favourites with matter I find particularly strange, especially as nobody can explain it.

        Are you in general suggesting a “Fred Hoyle type steady-state”?

      • hmmm… I wonder if the “expanding universe” that we see is really only a small section of matter heavy space being drawn towards a pocket of anti-matter heavy space, in a universe that is much larger than we are capable of seeing as a whole.

      • The theory I have proposed relies on matter and antimatter creating a repulsive force thus separating matter and antimatter and expanding the known universe we see today.

        I think your suggestion would require the universe to be much older than the accepted norm and this could be problematic.

  3. I agree there are equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the Universe. In our visible Universe, Matter did not win out over Antimatter, and I would take this a step further that a big bang event never occurred. Matter cannot exist without Antimatter, the two form a large scale energy exchange that powers a continuous creation from a GRAVITON CYCLE, GRAVITON CAPTURE, and ANTIMATTER INDUCTION process taking place within cores of Proton’s and AGN cores of Galaxies. We live in forward time, and the two paired juxtapositioned matter and antimatter rotations are symbiotic in their relationship. In other words, nothing could exist at all if the two forward and reverse time domains did not exchange a constant FTL Graviton Cycle powering our local motion. What appears to be gravity waves in this latest CMB discovery, is an EMF signature. The GMF operates way above the motion and frequencies of our light spectrum—we cannot see Graviton’s or Gravity Waves. Think of it this way, the GRAVITON CYCLE is a huge pipe coming from the other side, the EMF is local visible small distributed small pipe energy. You are also correct in thinking that Antigraviton’s are repulsive to matter. Without this large scale energy source powering all galactic motion, star formation, and planetary motion would not occur. This is a cause and effect that until now we had very little understanding on how a large scale energy source powers our Universe. The GMF forms the horizontal axis, while the streaming Antigraviton’s away from Proton (gyroscopic allignment to core outflow of antigraviton polarity reversed graviton energy) cores forms the matrix (sphere’s) for all mass formational processes to take place. The Graviton carries a negative charge, the same as the electron. So, the reason why gravity is a vertical force is because antimatter induction is taking place as decentralized processing of the GMF gravito-magnetic field, which results in the BULK sending back antigravitons towards REVERSE TIME.

    Only a GRAVITON CYCLE can adequately explain why mass exists or is in such extreme motion around cores of dwarf galaxies that have according to existing dogma 1000 times more dark matter that is invisible to matter to account for gravity and extreme rotation. HERA collider experiments demonstrated that a proton/electron collision could produce 100 pairs of broken gluon strings that formed a quark/antiquark pair. So, does this mean that there are 100 springs with quarks/antiquarks floating around inside Proton’s? No, we interrupted an FTL processing of the graviton cycle, and because the GMF is constantly pouring into the north pole of the proton and ONE QUARK across from ONE ANTIQAURK are chasing each other exchanging energy at 3.3 trillion times per second sending a one-way jet of antigravitons every 1/3.3 of a second back towards reverse time—we have GRAVITY. CPT violations occur, because antimatter belongs on the otherside of this large scale motion.

    What appears to be the cooling down of the CMB is correct, and our arm is expanding at the furthest distances of 13.75 billion years into our past showing galaxies moving away from each other at faster than light. Light is a transient energy effect of a large scale energy exchange. We cannot see the forest from the tree’s, but there are clues like FERMI BUBBLE shock waves, antimatter cores of galaxies are centralized processing of the GMF producing huge FTL shock waves as this energy pours back towards reverse time. We are moving through space at FASTER THAN LIGHT, we cannot feel or see any of this but what we do see reveals that “parallel lines that never meet” CMB slices show curvature. We do not feel any motion, because of the graviton cycle, now we have a long ways to go to break through our existing dogmatic conditioning regarding a big bang creation myth. But, it will happen.

    Very nice to meet you Doug. I look forward to talking with you. Aloha! John

  4. Since spacetime is slowed in the presence of gravity would it not hold true that spacetime is sped up in the presence of anti gravity? If so, perhaps this accounts for an expanding accelerating universe.

    • I entirely agree and this is what I suggest in my leading blog. My contention is that matter and antimatter were created in equal amounts from the energy created at the big bang. The force of gravity was created alongside the creation of matter and force of antigravity was created with the creation of antimatter. The incredible flux of gravity and antigravity in the early universe would have segregated matter and antimatter. The repulsive forces between gravitons and anti-gravitons would have expanded the early universe at an incredible rate. As the distance between areas of matter and antimatter increased the resulting repulsive force would fall off in accordance with the inverse square law. These force is still exist in the universe we observe today but of course the acceleration is much reduced, however velocity is still increasing. These suggestions do explain the fact that we see an expanding universe and also offer an explanation for the nature of dark energy.

  5. The inverse square law falls apart when we look at the ecliptic disk rates of galactic motions, they do not fall off with the square of the distance rule and in some cases the outer bands of galaxies are actually moving faster then inner bands. The clustering of galaxies also presents a problem because they seem to be moving around common centers of motion. Centers exist for a reason, and I agree we do have a common thread here in thinking that it is antimatter, not dark matter or dark energy that is the cause of the repulsive forces of gravity (pushing away from matter as this energy leaves forward time). And, as you stated when cosmologist look at the furthest galaxies, at 13.75 billion years into past they see galaxies moving at a faster rate (faster then light) away from each other then during previous observed times. We also know that the CMB is cooling down, however this could be because the arm of our forward time matter mega-rotation is unwinding at faster then light as we move away from the hot creational zones and core. This is such a large paired matter and antimatter motion, that our viewplane is extremely small and limits our ability to see this larger motion. So, I doubt that the universe is expanding. Our bar galaxy has some 15,000 black holes located in the bar and the AGN core contains the Sag A gigantic so called black hole. I contend that black holes are not singularities, or collapsed Neutron stars but antimatter cores. Matter is attracted to Antimatter, this is simply negative and positive forces being attracted to each other setting up a motion, now when the pressures from the two opposing rotations begin to form induction points we get black holes. The rotating left hand particle and right hand particle accelerations set up an inward vortex motion, which terminates in creating polarity reversals and that is why forward time galactic cores have to be creating antimatter in a big way, and this bulk is being sent back to the other side at tremendous rates of motion way above the speed and frequencies of light. This is the key to how our Universe works. Inward motions terminate in polarity induction points that create antimatter in forward time.

    The big bang problem is a lack of understanding of the mechanics of creation, in that the atomic dynamo could not exist without an outside power source. So, GRAVITONS are not created by matter, but stream into our forward time motion and form from the Antimatter induction points with in antimatter galactic centers and in cores on antiprotons. (We live inside the quark portion of a gigantic PROTON), and with out this cycling of energy nothing could exist. As is often the case, academia will struggle with understanding the concept of a graviton cycle powering our universe, that is until such a time that extremely advanced technology that defies existing physics will force a new way of thinking about how our universe works.

  6. Hi Doug, Yes I infer that Fred Hoyle, among others such as Halton Arp are both correct that a big bang event did not create our Universe. Paul Dirac when he first discovered Antimatter made the suggestion that a portion of the universe was also made out of antimatter. Unfortunately, he soon corrected his thinking accepting current dogma about a matter dominated universe that somehow won out over antimatter during a big bang event. Mass is constantly being created, arms of galaxies are surrounded by huge clouds of hydrogen. The GMF is pouring into mass, and the polarity reversed antimatter induction taking place in AGN Cores of galaxies functions as the power mechanism to distribute circulating fields that cause mass formational processes to take place in arms of galaxies. We calculate that the Milky Way has 100 times more dark matter (which does not exist) to account for the binding mechanism because the mass is not large enough to create the PULL of gravity (gravity does not pull) towards the core of planets/suns/GALACTIC CORE. Richard Feynman in his retrograde forward time and advanced reverse time diagrams is correct in his interpretation on how the energy cycle works. Because our FORWARD MOTION is retrograde to reverse time and the energy that leaves forward time “advances ahead” towards the otherside. You would think that some one out there would understand all of this, I am surprised that no one has grasped these concepts of a large scale energy exchange powering our Universe. So, Hawkings is correct about virtual quark/antiquark pairs being created [near black holes] all the time. However, he cannot tell you why this occurs. Black Holes are crucial to forming Galaxies, you cannot create matter without a black hole causing the off cycling of GMF circulations that attempt to mimic the core polarity reversal but instead form Protons, much like a popcorn effect, releasing antigravitons 90 degree’s to the ecliptic rotation, creating a byproduct quark and antiquark during this field collapse that in turn becomes a stable atom that is maintained by the field interactions. I was friends with Tom VanFlandern. He calculated that the Graviton operated at minimum 20 billion times the speed of light. That actual orbits of solar systems or galaxies could not be calculated if a light speed factor was introduced, just as a 100,000 light year across Milky Way galaxy, with a 50,000 light year across FERMI BUBBLES could not function with integrity if forces binding all interactions were operating at light speed. I agree, too much integrity at such large scale that this entire motion is operating like a vortex, driven by an outside energy source. So, getting rid of limits was the first step, seeing that gravitons were not random. That light was not the universal constant at all, but rather an effect of a large scale interaction. Eventually, I figured it out by virtually looking at how a symmetry would work between matter and antimatter. Now, what we need to do is to build a simulation model that takes the current data on Dark Matter distribution and replace the statistics with this new model. That would be a worthwhile goal.

  7. When you say ‘our domain’ are you implying that other domains exist that may or may not observe the matter-antimatter idea?

    • Hi Elizabeth,
      I am suggesting that the universe consists of areas of matter and antimatter and our domain is an area matter. These areas of matter and antimatter are kept apart by the mutually repulsive forces of gravity and anti-gravity. It could be that when we observe a far off super-cluster that we are observing an area of antimatter.

      The existence of gravity and anti-gravity explains the fact that the universe is still expanding. The repulsive forces between areas of matter and antimatter also explained what we term as, “Dark Matter”.

  8. Quantum physics is a valuable exploratory tool that rides along the well-oiled tracks of Newton’s First Law of Motion and has never really got off them.i.e. the happy union of the particle/antiparticle. If I were a particle physicist I’d be concerned at the alacrity with which scientists can predict a a particle before it has been verified observationally. Also at the fact that the graviton has proved so elusive and where are all the showers of postulated neutrinos despite all the fantastic lengths scientists have gone to to discover them Is quantum physics a measure of reality or is it simply a man-made construct that has been imposed upon it – convenient and useful as a limited exploratory tool. Incidentally ,If the photo’s existence gives us light could an ‘anti photon’ give us the opposite .i.e dark energy. Quantum, I think, could do well with a large dose of Chaos input. Carl Sagan said, to the effect that the universe is more complex than we can know and more complex than we can know. I cite the variables involved in weather predictions. Finally , in the particle/antiparticle production after the Big Bang why hasn’t the idea of entropy been entertained to explain the presence of matte? Thank you for your consideration for which I am extremely grateful.

  9. This is just a simple thought from a layman of this universal concept. If an amount of antigraviton can be condensed and manipulated here on earth; could not that be the basis to an economical way of air travel and/or space travel in countering the G force exerted upon an aircraft flying from one point to another within the earths’ gravitational field? Somehow concentrating the appropiate amount of antigraviton to the matter(the aircraft) and rendering the craft friction free and thus able to displace itself with little or no need for excessive amounts of propulsion(possibly magnetic polarizations) and able to transport and manuever at higher speeds within the earths atmosphere. What would be the mathematical possibilities of this concept or are they too far fetched?

    • Hi Roberto,
      I guess your suggestion has a theoretical validity and I suppose if the aircraft contained more antimatter than matter it would move away from the earth or any other body of matter of its own accord. However, I am not sure I would want to be a passenger as just half a gram of antimatter leaking into the aircraft of matter would annihilate with the energy of one Hiroshima bomb.

  10. Hi Roberto and Doug. First of all you have to understand how gravity works before you can understand how to create an antigravity effect. We have this technology. Doug is right, matter and antimatter if the opposing fields collide there will be extreme annihilation creating high energy Gamma and X-rays. However, we only see one half of the radiation. This is why a big bang event could never occur, because there are two iso-dual fields that operate in two separate time domains, and the antiphoton’s radiate away from matter back towards the reverse time domain energy pool. Hint, antimatter always disappears first during collider experiments causing CPT violations. Actually, there is perfect CPT symmetry.

    Academia is kept in the dark. Maintaining a very primitive view of how Universe works, maintains secrecy and allows dark project engineers to build advanced antigravity craft. I understand how it works. Proton’s form from GMF collapsing fields, the antigraviton stream from core of Proton is the return mecahnism allowing sphere’s to form, creating the force of gravity, and transfers extreme momentum allowing the atomic engine to gyroscopically allign with north pole pointing vertically away from the gravity well. Why? Because universe is perfect, and a large scale energy exchange is constantly powering creation around induction points in forward time that return this energy as dark repulsive matter back towards the other side. So, all you have to do is to flip the proton’s and point them downwards and you can stream antigraviton’s towards each creating an antigravity effect.

    No one in academia will even understand what I just said. But, it is what is going on. You can glimpse these higher order functions in many experiments, and for the most part the factors go un-noticed. Mainly because of the suppression mindsets that forbids FTL speeds, and limits on physics that forbid separation between time domains, whereby we think matter dominates antimatter and that a particle is it;s own antiparticle or a subset of forward time. That is a huge problem for existing science and we cannot over come these obstacles to understand how Universe works.

  11. As I understand it they created a small amount of antimatter at Fermilab. Due to the lack of a theory of quantum gravity and the impossibility of measuring gravitational effects on a quantum scale the question of anti-gravitons is still open.
    I still wonder what would happen at the meeting point of photons and anti-photons. Or would the anti-graviton repulse it and send it back into our little “matter bubble”?
    If we are then surrounded by antimatter at all sides the light reaching us from deep space could be merely a reflection of a much smaller universe.

    • If you look at the diagram, I am suggesting the universe consists of areas of matter and antimatter. These areas of matter and antimatter repel each other in accordance with the inverse square law. Thus as of the universe expands the force decreases but always exists. Therefore, the universe is always expanding but, the rate of acceleration of expansion is constantly decreasing. This simple mechanism explains the expanding universe we observe without the need for dark matter.


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